The Timothy Foundation’s Virtual Food Drive

Organized by The Timothy Foundation

My Goal

$10 of $1,000

Help me fight hunger by donating to my individual fundraising page! $1 can help provide four meals.

200 Meals

Price: $50.00

400 Meals

Price: $100.00

Mac n’ Cheese
Buys 48 boxes

Price: $20.00

Peanut Butter
Buys 20 jars

Price: $25.00

Instant Potatoes
Buys 24 boxes

Price: $35.00

Buys 60 ct – 1 lb bags

Price: $45.00

Buys 12 boxes

Price: $25.00

Canned Fruit
24 ct - cans

Price: $45.00

Canned Vegetables
Buys 48 cans

Price: $30.00

Canned Meat
Buys 12 cans

Price: $30.00

General Donation
Make a donation of your choosing.

Enter Donation Amount: